Lake Harvest Recipes


Grilled Whole Tilapia with Baby Potatoes

by | Apr 22, 2020 | Recipes


1 Lake Harvest Fresh Whole Tilapia, Cleaned
2 tblsp. Oyster Sauce
1 tsp. pepper
1 Crush garlic clove
1 tblsp. ground onions
1 tblsp. ground garlic
1 tblsp. ground ginger
1 tsp. lemon juice
Salt to taste


Clean tilapia and male 2 slits on both sides
Season the tilapia with oyster sauce, garlic, ginger, salt and pepper to taste, then refrigerate for a few hours to marinate before grilling
Let it soak in the marinade
Place in a foil paper, cover the fresh onions and cut the potatoes
Wrap the foil paper and place in the over for 45 minutes then serve