Lake Harvest Products

Quality First

You’ll only ever find the wholesome goodness of nature’s best in our freshwater fish. That’s because we’ve taken great care to naturally farm our products so that each bite delivers an authentic lakeside experience with no additives or preservatives. Rich in Omega 3 fats and high in protein, our plump and succulent fish will make a satisfying meal at any table.

The premium quality you receive begins the moment our fish are caught. A careful fish grading system brings us the wholesome product that our Lake Harvest brand has come to represent. Our focus is not volume, but quality. Past experience has shown that a quality control presence and traceability throughout the value chain will help guarantee our customers a desirable and safe product. Lake Harvest processes whole round fresh tilapia as well as the full range of value added products – fresh and frozen gutted fish and fillets.

Frozen Products

Skin Off Fillets

Fresh Products

Other Products

Skin On Fillets

Surrey Group